Work With Top
Talent on AI Safety

Open Position:
AI Safety Research Engineer

This position involves working with Max Tegmark and Steve Omohundro on provable AI safety via formal verification, as described here (a high-level introduction is given in the 2nd half of this TED talk).  The position can be either remote or at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The ideal candidate:

  • Want to ensure that powerful AI systems stay under human control

  • Concerned that AGI is not many decades away,  and that current AI safety approaches may be inadequate for such a transformative technology

  • Significant experience in formal verification or mathematical theorem proving, ideally with PhD or extensive work in the field

  • Strong programmer

  • Likes mathematics and machine learning

  • Self-motivated and enjoys working fairly independently

Annual compensation:

$70,000—$250,000 USD depending on experience